Lesser Burdock – Arctium minus

Lesser Burdock (Arctium minus) is sometimes known as Burwee, Louse-bur, Common Burdock, Button-Bur, Cuckoo-Button and Wild Rhubarb, is a member of the Daisy family.

The height of this plant can be anything from 50 – 100 cm, with stems branching off the main stem with rough, short hair. It produces a single flower which is roughly 1.5 – 2.5 cm wide. The petals are oftn erd / violet in colour and tubular shaped. The leaves are alternate on the stalk and the leaves themselves are stalked with broad blades, often with large toothed edges and a white, felt like underside.

Lesser burdock thrives best  in peatland meadows, shore lines and the banks of waterways.  It is easy to identify by the small amount of woolly texture and only grows to half the size of other species of burdock.
It is a tall, broad leaved plant that has a hollow stem, it also has a purple, brush like flower head to it which appears around July to September. The tips of the flower head is covered in small hooks known as bur which helps the plant to attatch itself to passing animals and human clothing, this in turn allows the seeds to be spread over a wider area.

Although Lesser Burdock can be found within woodland clearings and hedgerows it is in fact intolerant to deep shade. This plant does not reach full maturity until it is around 2 – 4 years old.

Height: Up to 150cm
Flowering Time: July to Sept
Preferred Conditions: This plant is usually found on the outskirts of woodland areas and clearings but will not do well in concentrated shade. it can sometimes be found in hedgerows and wasteland.

Lesser Burdock - Arctium minus